1. Rio de Janeiro’s
Rio Carnival is
held before which
religious event
each year?
2. The carnival's
parade is named
after which style
of Brazilian dance
and music genre?
3. Name two of
Rio de Janeiro's
famous beaches.
For the answers,
see Stockists page
When you need a fast fix
Sometimes you just have to live with certain
elements in your landscape, such as immovable
walls and fences. But think outside the square
and you can use them to your advantage.
■ Brighten up your old fences. A plain timber
fence makes a wonderful backdrop for your
space when it's given a splash of paint. For
a fresh beachy look, try Dulux Weathershield
Low-Sheen acrylic in High Blue.
■ Revive walls with render. One of the most
dramatic ways to change the look of a courtyard
space that's hemmed in by walls is to render the
brickwork. Rendering is a specialised job so, if
you’re not familiar with this technique, call in the
professionals. It’s a good idea to add an oxide to
the render mix as it brings instant colour to the
wall, and this eliminates painting.
Easy paving
Replacing old paving is a simple way to change the look of a space.
This courtyard had small, dark pavers which were replaced with
large-format 400 x 400mm pavers in white - just like the sand at Copacabana!
■ Road base
■ Paving sand
■ 400 x 400mm pavers (25 pavers
will cover 4m2)
■ Edging pavers
■ Bagged sand and cement or mortar
mix (1 bag per 3 edging pavers)
A recommended fall on pavers is
one to 100, which means that for
every 100cm, your paving should drop
1 cm to help water drain away.
STEP 3 Beginning from one of the
corners and using stringlines as your
guide, lay pavers.
Rake; screed rail; string; vibrating-
plate compactor (hired); spirit level;
rubber mallet
Adjust quantities to suit the
size of your courtyard.
STEP 4 To lock pavers in place, haunch
in edges. Lay a bed of mortar or sand
and cement mix along outside edge
where pavers will rest. Lay edging
pavers on wet mix, tapping down
gently, but firmly, with rubber mallet
and checking for level. Leave to set.
STEP 2 Set stringlines along edges
of area to be paved as a guide.
Use a vibrating-plate compactor
to consolidate road base. Spread
paving sand on compacted road
base and bring to level with screed
rail. You should create a slight slope,
or fall, leading away from the house.
with a
mix of brightly coloured
cushions set up on comfy
cane furniture to create a
real ‘I go to Rio’ ambience.
6. These exotic
seagrass baskets
make ideal storage
for your outdoor
crockery, cutlery
and cushions.
STEP 1 Remove old paving. Spread
and level road base to a depth of at
least 30mm over area to be re-paved.
Bring to level with a long screed rail,
checking for level as you work.
For project supplies,
see Stockists page
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